
Only 17 Days Left!


In seventeen more days we’ll know who will be leading this country for the next four years.  As we approach November 8, there is still time for candidates to reach voters and particularly those that are still undecided.  Also, given the events that have occurred in the past few weeks, political advertising dollars have seen some shifts, but not with radio.

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80 Days and Counting

The words "Countdown 2016" with American flag.

That is how close we are to electing the next president of the United States.  As much as this cycle has been filled with controversy, one thing is true: This election year has been like no other in its imbalance of earned media versus paid media by both presidential candidates.

With Election Day just 80 days away, we asked Leo Kivijarv, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & Director of Research of PQ Media, to provide us with a perspective on the current state of political advertising and what it can mean for radio.  Before we share those insights, here are just a few simple reminders about radio:

  • According to Nielsen’s Q1 2016 Comparable Metrics Report, over 90% of voting aged adults listen to radio each week.
  • Radio delivers messages, content and information.
  • It is an especially important communication medium for political candidates because of its incredible reach.
  • Radio, with its varied formats, can reach potential voters according to their language, lifestyle – at home, in-car or on the go.

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