
Driving Demand: The Impact of Radio Listening on Auto Sales

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

The auto industry has had its fair share of challenges and opportunities in the past few years. Events such as parts and labor shortages, strikes and the most recent security hack are just a few. While these events undoubtedly impact their business, they have an even greater effect on the consumer.

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Why Digital-Only Brands Should Become Broadcast Radio Advertisers

Contributor: Beth Osborne, director, marketing and content, Marketron

As digital advertising continues to become a growing part of a station’s revenue, you may have a book of businesses that are digital-only advertisers. Maybe they aren’t convinced of the value of radio ads or seek an audience outside of your station demographics. For new advertisers, they may have never purchased an audio ad before. There are many reasons they may be in this bucket. The question is, should they be?

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Radio’s Impact: Championing Children’s Health and Building Transformative Business Partnerships

Contributor: Fleur Voruz, Senior Director/Media, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

Through purposeful partnerships, radio stations uniquely position themselves as champions by raising funds and awareness for critical needs in their local communities. These collaborations not only elevate positive listener sentiment, but they also drive employee engagement and business value for the radio station and its sponsors.

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Radio Digital Revenue Grew by 6.8%: Insights from the Borrell-RAB Digital Benchmarking Report

Contributors: Todd Kalman, SVP sales, Marketron, and Beth Osborne, director, marketing and content, Marketron

Now in its 12th year, the Borrell-RAB digital benchmarking for radio delivered intelligence and learnings for the local media sales industry. One of the most exciting revelations was that radio digital revenue increased by 6.8%, besting the overall market of 5.4%. Additionally, 21% of all radio station ad revenue is now in the digital bucket. We’re eager to dive deep into the findings to deliver analysis for the year ahead.

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Boomers are a Sales Opportunity for Businesses

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

In today’s advertising landscape, there is a great focus on Generation Z – what they like and don’t like. It isn’t that this generation isn’t important. It is that there is another that is often missed – baby boomers.

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Technology and Trust

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

During CES 2024, companies displayed new technologies and innovations. If you have read or seen anything, the future will be interesting with what will hopefully be available for us. But where do consumers, more importantly radio listeners, fit in? What do they think about the technology available to them in the devices they use?

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Hiring? Radio Can Get the Job Done

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Businesses and organizations have struggled over the past few years filling open roles or just retaining staff. There appears to be good news on the horizon as numerous publications and economists are reporting that this phenomenon is over.

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Radio Works to Drive Business Forward

Tapping into radio’s loyal, attentive, and social audience yields a boost to the bottom line

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

The current economic environment and consumer concerns over inflation are challenging marketers and media alike to do more with less in an increasingly complicated and competitive marketplace. Add to that the ongoing threat of another health crisis, the rapid influx of advancing technology, and the multiplicity of events in 2023 and their long tail impact, one thing has remained stable, efficient, results-driven, and a trusted partner to marketers. Radio.

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Radio Works for Personal Injury Attorneys

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

This past September, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released vehicular crash statistics for first half 2023. There were just under 20,000 estimated vehicular fatalities from January to June of this year. It is a shocking number, and sadly, it is just 3% lower when compared to 2022.

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Amplifying Brand Buzz: How Radio Redefines Conversations and Influence

Harness Radio’s Unique Ability to Fuel Purchase Intent and More

Contributor: Vanessa Lontoc, VP of Marketing, Engagement Labs

In the ever-evolving landscape of media impact, radio emerges as a potent catalyst for brand conversations. The study “Radio Drives Brand Conversations,” commissioned by RAB in partnership with Engagement Labs, dives deep into radio’s role in driving brand discussions and explores its profound influence on purchase intent, societal discourse and the bottom line. In this blog, we dissect key findings and offer actionable recommendations for brands and advertisers looking to harness the untapped potential of radio conversations.

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How Radio Builds Effectiveness for RMN Campaigns

The complementary effectiveness of radio’s always-on audience and retail media networks’ deep dataset

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

The marketing industry has long leaned into results-driven marketing efforts that square up against specific goals, audiences, and strategies. Today, due in part to the current financial climate, seemingly all marketing is performance marketing, with metrics defined by cost per audiences reached, served, and, ultimately, converted.

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Be a Marketing Resource for Your Advertisers: Here’s How

Contributor: Bo Bandy, GM Digital & SVP Marketing, Marketron

Building relationships with your clients starts and ends with earning their trust. Being transparent, asking the right questions and sharing informed recommendations can make you a valuable resource. Over time you become an ally because the connection is much more than transactional. 

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Top Cultural Trends of 2023

Contributors: Maxine Gurevich, SVP/Cultural Intelligence and Courtney Mota, VP/Cultural Intelligence, Horizon Media

In 2022, we saw several pivotal events — the overturning of a 50-year law by the U.S. Supreme Court, Elon Musk’s seemingly impulsive Twitter takeover, FTX’s high-profile collapse, nationally televised hearings of the January 6th Committee and a contentious mid-term election. These are the kind of events that force people to question how the actions of a powerful few impact the majority. In 2023, we’ll be asking what role there is for brands to play in helping the current systems work better for more people. People are tired but better informed, and brands should prepare to demonstrate value upfront before asking people to part with their already-stretched, too-hard-earned money.  

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Radio Digital Ads to Generate $2B for Stations in 2023: Uncovering Insights in the RAB-Borrell Annual Benchmarking Report

Contributor: Bo Bandy, SVP of marketing, GM Digital, Marketron

The 11th annual RAB-Borrell digital benchmarking report for radio didn’t disappoint with its insights for the industry. Of those, the projection for radio digital advertising hitting $2 billion in 2023 certainly deserves attention. The revenue generated by this segment is impressive. In 2022,19% of total ad revenue was from digital advertising sales. So, what does this new growth mean for radio?

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Radio’s Resolution – A Champion for The Community

Contributor: Fleur Voruz, Senior Director, Programs (Media), Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

As a new year begins, this is a time to reflect on the health of our businesses.

Fundamental to this checkup is applauding the meaningful work that defines a business’ culture. Frequently, cause-connected partnerships set local radio stations apart in their communities increasing positive listener sentiment, fostering employee engagement and generating business value.

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Why Radio Still Has the Ear of Consumers, Influencing Buying Decisions for a Variety of Advertisers

Contributor: Jenn Hoff, Digital Sales Director, Marketron

Radio continues to be a channel that engages and influences listeners across all demographics. While much has changed since its inception, radio holds strong as a medium that people trust and truly tune in to, making it a great opportunity for any advertiser.

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What Matters to Job Seekers

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

According to the recent jobs report, 428,000 jobs were added, and the unemployment rate remains unchanged at 3.6%. The good news is that 95% of the jobs that were lost during the pandemic are now recovered.

Are we still looking at the Great Resignation or is it instead a great reset?

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Why Radio Is the Ideal Place to Share Brand Stories

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

Consumers have strong expectations that the brands they choose both support and align with the values that are important to them. Recognizing what drives consumers, brands are laser-focused on living their mission, principles, and ethics. As such, brands market their products and services grounded in that mission and the shared values and beliefs between the brand and its target customers.

Giving back to community, lending resources of support, promoting social consciousness, doing what is good for the environment, and inspiring change are just a few examples of shared values in action. Brand messaging articulates both why the brand’s mission matters and to bring communities of people together to advance the values it supports while creating long-lasting relationships and loyalty.

In a recent RAB live online presentation to its members, Karriem Edwards, vice president of development for the Boys and Girls Club of Broward County, referenced Michael Porter, a well-known strategist and professor at Harvard University. Mr. Porter spoke about shared value strategies and how businesses must make local community a part of their business strategy to succeed.

Karriem pointed to his organization’s partnership with the Cox Radio Group in Miami, where community is central to its business strategy. This benefits the organization beyond measure. This is true for radio stations across the country. Community and shared values are local radio’s DNA.

Community, trust, reach, personal, uplifting, authentic, local, enjoyable, essential, lifesaving, relaxing, engaging, regulated, actionable– these are the attributes that brand marketers should find when identifying the environment to share their stories, their mission, and their values.

Nonprofit organizations understand this, which is why their reliance on local radio partnerships is prioritized and delivers strong results, according to Tim Delaney, president and CEO of the National Council of Nonprofits. For-profit brands that follow the lead of mission-centric organizations will be rewarded with loyal consumers and business growth.

The data and insights that marketers are leveraging to speak directly to their target consumers makes the job so much easier to craft the story that will resonate. However, using programmatic and digital platforms as the primary mechanism to deliver a one-to-one message, may risk dehumanizing the connection that consumers want and expect from brands. It may also exclude potential consumers – future brand ambassadors.

The importance of the environment in which the story is told cannot be underestimated. The context of a message will change depending on where, when and the way a consumer processes it – is it a trusted environment? Is it a believable environment? Is it a local environment? What is surrounding the message? Is the consumer in the right frame of mind? Are there enough consumers there? The answers to these questions must be yes to advance the marketer’s cause and to achieve desired outcomes.

The company you keep matters when planning to disseminate the brand’s mission, purpose and product attributes that make lives better. Radio across platforms checks all the boxes as the right environment and platform to share brand stories.

  • Radio is trusted. It is trusted more than any other media, including over two times more than social media. 
  • Radio is local. It provides the content and information that is relevant to the consumer. In fact, 87 percent of listeners believe that it is the local feel that makes radio stand out among other options. 
  • Radio is community. Radio doesn’t just reach the community, it is woven into the fabric of community. Radio stations bring consumers together and motivate them to act.
  • Radio is personal. There is nothing between a listener and the music, conversation and content. Radio is a friendly voice in the ear and a truly one-to-one experience.
  • Radio is uplifting. Consumers listen to radio for many emotionally based reasons, with mood elevation as a driver for nearly 40 percent of consumers; association with that mindset is gold.
  • Radio is authentically human. On air personalities are the human tissue that connects the listener to the station and to the community. They are the original influencers. They are lead generators for advertisers and are an incomparable asset that can help to build and bridge the connections between brands and the consumers the brands are trying to reach.
  • Radio is essential. Time after time, when disaster strikes, radio stations are “on the ground” and often the first and only source to provide timely information and provide the support to the communities it serves.
  • Radio is a companion. Radio continues to play a huge role in the lives of U.S. consumers, especially as we commute back and forth as part of our daily routine. Radio rules the dashboard, with 75 percent of consumers tuning in to AM/FM radio while in the car, significantly more than any other audio platform. 
  • Radio is actionable. As a truly mobile medium, radio is the medium closest to purchase. Radio drives web traffic, foot traffic, event attendance, fundraising and volunteerism goals, awareness and ROI.
  • Radio tells stories. Stories are immersive; they pull the listener in, making them feel like they are completely involved and experiencing the content. Chris Smith, principal and chief creative officer at Plot Twist Creativity, once said, “Radio is the modern campfire.” Regardless of content format, the power of storytelling with radio has the ability to gain and hold a listener’s full attention. 
  • Radio reaches everyone. Radio is the number one reach medium across virtually every demographic and culture – more than any other media – all screens and all platforms that are available throughout a consumer’s day.

Radio shares values with the communities that it serves and the listeners that spend an average of 11 hours with them each week. The company it keeps speaks volumes for a brand. It associates the brand with a similar attitude, character, ability and personality. To truly deliver on its mission, embrace audiences through an alignment of values; brands can be part of radio’s circle of trust.

Celebrating the Hispanic Community Every Day

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

According to the latest data from Pew Research, the U.S. Hispanic population grew 23% – from 50.5 million in 2010 to 62.1 million last year. Hispanics are the largest minority and have a buying power of $1.9 trillion, according to the Selig Center for Economic Growth.

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People are Tuned In and On the Go

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

People are resilient. It is an awesome wonder of human nature. There’s no doubt that everyone has experienced challenges, but looking around, you see that people have returned to doing what they did pre-pandemic. They are tuned into radio and ready to go.

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