
What’s on the Horizon for Radio

Contributor: Nicole Ovadia, vice president of forecasting and analysis, BIA Advisory Services

The radio advertising landscape is in the midst of a dynamic transformation, but within this evolution lies a world of untapped potential. As consumer habits adapt and digital integration becomes the norm, key industries are reshaping their advertising strategies. Yet, amidst these changes, local radio stands strong as a resilient and potent force in the media mix – the fifth largest media when you examine the total local advertising marketplace.

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Elections 2024 Update: The Great Unknowns

Contributor: Dr. Leo Kivijarv, EVP/Research, PQ Media

In April, RAB posted two guest blogs I wrote about political media buying during the 2024 elections. At the time, I postulated that this election was unlike any previous election cycle because there were 20 “Great Unknowns,” including whether Trump would step down as a candidate before the Republican National Convention if convicted, and subsequently jailed, in any of the various court cases against him.

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Elections 2024: Initial Projections for 2024 Political Media Buying

Contributor: Dr. Leo Kivijarv, EVP/Research, PQ Media

Last week’s post focused on the 20 unknowns of this year’s political cycle. This week, the focus will be on political media buying, trends and broadcast radio’s role and opportunities.

Continue readingElections 2024: Initial Projections for 2024 Political Media Buying

Elections 2024: The Great Unknowns

Highlights of the Data & Trends from PQ Media’s preliminary Political Media Buying 2024

Contributor: Dr. Leo Kivijarv, EVP/Research, PQ Media

For the seventh time since 2012, PQ Media is sharing its outlook on political media buying from its election cycle report with RAB members. During a recent presentation, I noted how this election cycle differs significantly from every previous cycle due to a plethora of unanswered questions that still exist. Some of these questions come seven months before the elections, which for this blog I’m calling the Great Unknowns – there are 20. That’s how unpredictable this year’s election cycle has become in determining how much will be spent by candidates, political action groups (PACs) and advocacy groups promoting or objecting to a ballot referendum.

Continue readingElections 2024: The Great Unknowns

Political Ads in 2024: Don’t Forget Your Own Backyard.

Contributor: Steve Passwaiter, President, Silver Oak Political

Last week, I provided some background into local races. I also focused on the importance of sharing insights and information about radio listeners, dispelling misperceptions about radio and tapping into the creativity that is synonymous with radio. This week it is about execution.

I think I’ve likely given you some definite clues about taking care of executing political advertisers. Armed with solid data about how adding radio to schedules helps increase the advertisers reach to voters, you’ve got a talking point to get someone’s interest. What are you doing to promote that? Radio has multiple platforms to reach listeners AND advertisers. It’s worth using some of those to make the results of this study known in your market.

The one indispensable piece of advice I can provide is the one that is used in the title of this blog: Don’t forget your backyard! Use your local influence; get out and meet the people within an hour’s drive that are going to control millions of local dollars. Get to your state’s capital and introduce yourself to the people that run the political parties at the state level. This is a group of advertisers running a massive one-day sale in November. How can you help them deliver their message to the market? Think about bundling those digital assets they can use, too. (Many are unaware that radio can do that too.)

Remember – you must play the long game in politics. That means that you don’t stop once the election is over. There will be dollars in play in 2025, and the “off” years are not so off any longer. This is a great time to expand relationships and explore new ways of helping.

I once was told by one of my old radio sales managers that the best time to sell is when nothing is happening. He was right about that. You’ll find that political agencies and political contacts will be more likely to hold a meeting with you, especially if you’ve have people that will recommend you. Sales is like politics – it is all about relationships.

As we consider the rest of 2024, pay particular attention to your properties that reach into the African American and Hispanic communities. Political parties will plan to spend not just candidate dollars but, dollars aimed at increasing voter registration and participation in both communities. Recent polling is showing a shift in voter attitudes and that likely translates to each political party having to do more work and spend more money to bring these voters to their side or keep them on their side.

There are local coordinators that are in charge of these efforts and it’s time to get to know them and see what you can do to help them to do their job. The financial rewards are obvious in the short term and the relationships you build are a bonus in the long term – with future election.

Former Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neill, was credited for saying that “all politics are local.” For radio broadcasters who work hard and who are part of their communities, it’s time to change the rules of engagement. It is time for broadcast radio to reap the shares it deserves in political advertising.

Political Ads in 2024: Don’t Forget Your Own Backyard.

Contributor: Steve Passwaiter, President, Silver Oak Political

The Opportunity:

We all know it. The projections are everywhere. Political ad experts are estimating spending ranging from $10 to $16 billion during the 2024 political cycle. A sizable portion of that will end up as part of what looks to be a rematch between our current and former president. However, there will be a lot to explore for media sellers in down-ballot races this year. A quick look at some recent races gives us a clue about what has changed and what awaits us.

Continue reading “Political Ads in 2024: Don’t Forget Your Own Backyard.”

Radio Works for Local and State Government Agencies

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Political views and interests by Americans have been the topic of many news articles and stories. Yet, how Americans view their state and local governments has been favorable. According to a Pew Research survey in 2022, 66% of American adults have a favorable view of their local government, and 54% have a favorable view of their state government.

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Amplifying Brand Buzz: How Radio Redefines Conversations and Influence

Harness Radio’s Unique Ability to Fuel Purchase Intent and More

Contributor: Vanessa Lontoc, VP of Marketing, Engagement Labs

In the ever-evolving landscape of media impact, radio emerges as a potent catalyst for brand conversations. The study “Radio Drives Brand Conversations,” commissioned by RAB in partnership with Engagement Labs, dives deep into radio’s role in driving brand discussions and explores its profound influence on purchase intent, societal discourse and the bottom line. In this blog, we dissect key findings and offer actionable recommendations for brands and advertisers looking to harness the untapped potential of radio conversations.

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Political Media Buying 2022: Where is Maxwell Smart When You Need Him as 2022 Political Landscape in Chaos! Part Two – Political Media Buying to Reach $10.2 Billion in 2022

Contributor: Leo Kivijarv, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & Director of Research of PQ Media

Since 2012, PQ Media has been offering opinions and data to the Radio Advertising Bureau during federal elections, and PQ Media has been publishing political media buying estimates since the 2004 elections, with 2022 being the 10th election cycle analyzed. This is part two of our analysis.

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Radio – A Key Channel to Target Voters

Contributor: Meg DiMattina, Account Director/Claritas

With so much happening in the United States over the last several years, from concerns about the economy and inflation, rising healthcare costs, the COVID-19 pandemic, changes in abortion rights, and more, it is understandable that many Americans are dissatisfied and feel that the country needs major changes.

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Radio Can Get Out the Vote

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

In less than a month, Americans from all walks of life will use the opportunity to make their voices heard. They will vote.

To say that this election will be like no other would be a great understatement. While campaign advertising started early, over the next few weeks, the airwaves will be inundated with information, facts and promises to influence and sway voters. During this emotionally charged year, connecting personally will be vital to the success of a candidate’s campaign. No other medium connects and engages personally more than broadcast radio.

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Radio Reaches the Swing Voter

Contributor: Stephanie Digeon-Heath , Client Services, The Media Audit

On November 3, 2020, Americans will head to the poll and decide whether to reelect Trump or whether to elect former Vice President Biden as president. For loyal supporters of either candidate, their minds are most likely made-up. However, this may not be true for all Independents. Independents are thus considered pivotal voters. “Presidential general elections are generally determined by two factors: the size and relative enthusiasm of each major party’s base, and which way the swing voters in the middle go,” said Charlie Cook, a political analyst and founder of The Cook Political Report, a nonpartisan online newsletter. The closer the race, the more pivotal Independents voters become.

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Political Media Buying 2020: How Has the Coronavirus Impacted Strategies June 2020 Update – Part 2

Contributor: Leo Kivijarv, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & Director of Research of PQ Media

In August 2019, PQ Media projected that political media buying would reach $8.33 billion in 2020. This projection was made before Michael Bloomberg became a Democratic presidential candidate and spent over $500 million in his failed attempt to win the nomination. Additionally, since the original projection was made, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, requiring politicians to revise their media buying strategies because planned rallies and fundraising events had to be cancelled.

Since the last blog post, a few items have happened which will impact the 2020 presidential and other elections.

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Political Media Buying 2020:
How Has the Coronavirus Impacted Strategies June 2020 Update

Contributor: Leo Kivijarv, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & Director of Research of PQ Media

It’s been over nine months since I last posted on the RAB blog regarding political advertising and marketing during the 2020 elections. Back then, there were still more than 20 major Democratic candidates, enough to compose a football team. Two Democratic debates had been aired, as top candidates jockeyed for the lead. Primaries were still months away and candidates were in full fundraising mode. Donald Trump and the Republican Party were on edge about the 2020 elections. On the one hand, they were touting the strength of the US economy, although there were fears of a recession if the US-China tariff trade wars escalated. On the other hand, impeachment was being discussed, but it related to the obstruction findings in the Robert Mueller report. Based on the political environment in August 2019, PQ Media was predicting that political media buying would reach $8.33 billion in 2020.

Continue reading “Political Media Buying 2020:
How Has the Coronavirus Impacted Strategies June 2020 Update”

Celebrating the Black Consumer

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

February is Black History Month, also known as African American Month. It celebrates and recognizes the roles that African Americans have played in shaping U.S. history. Originally established as Black History Week by American historian Carter G. Woodson, it was expanded to a month-long celebration in 1976.

As consumers, African Americans have a buying power of $1.3 trillion and are 47.8 million strong. They are socially active – as end-users as well as influencers. They also spend more time with media across devices – specifically radio, than the U.S. population in general.

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Strictly Voters and Political Activists Are Listening

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Although the New Year is only entering its second week, one thing is certain.  The ad spending of political candidates is just starting to rev up as they each work to reach their constituency. Political ad spending forecasts continue to rise.

As candidates and PACs strategize and plan their campaign efforts, media options can deliver different types of voters – strictly voters or political activists.

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Radio’s Top 10 to Usher in 2020

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

As we leave one decade to enter another, we couldn’t be prouder of the progress that radio has made to continuously deliver first-class and relevant content to listeners any way they wish to consume it. Among consumers today, audio is hot and radio is hotter. Advertisers from Main Street to Wall Street are tapping into radio’s incredible power and unique attributes. Why? Because radio is emotionally engaging, personal and measurable with the ability to deliver ad messages in a safe and receptive environment.
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Keep Your Files in Order

Contributors: Brad C. Deutsch, Principal, Foster Garvey, P.C. and Benjamin J. Lambiotte, Principal, Foster Garvey, P.C

Just as the 2020 federal election campaign shifts into high gear, on October 16, 2019, the Federal Communications Commission issued two significant orders “clarifying” broadcasters’ political public file obligations in response to complaints filed against several stations.  In both orders, the Commission made it very clear that it is station licensees – and not political ad sponsors or their ad buyers – who are responsible for ascertaining, collecting, and uploading in a timely manner to the FCC online political public file, all the information required by Section 315(e) of the Communications Act and the FCC’s political broadcasting rules.

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Where Does Radio Fit in the 2020 Elections? – Update

Contributor: Leo Kivijarv, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & Director of Research, PQ Media

In June, PQ Media projected that political media buying could exceed $8 billion in 2020, possibly as high as $8.5 billion.  In Part 2 of the blog post, PQ Media reviews recent issues, events and state of the economy and provides insights into the 2020 political ad forecast.

Continue reading “Where Does Radio Fit in the 2020 Elections? – Update”

Political Media Buying 2020: Still Way Too Early Prediction

Contributor: Leo Kivijarv, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & Director of Research, PQ Media

In June, I posted two RAB blog posts regarding the upcoming 2020 elections. I stated that PQ Media is forecasting $8.33 billion is going to be spent by candidates and their PACs, as well as by special interest groups supporting/not supporting ballot initiatives or referendums. Radio was predicted to do well, fueled by candidates targeting multicultural audiences.

Continue reading “Political Media Buying 2020: Still Way Too Early Prediction”