
Electronic Retailers Have the Goods This Holiday Season

Author: Victor Texcucano, Content Coordinator, RAB

Electronic retailers are one of the more popular places where consumers shop for gifts for loved ones. Whether it’s a new tablet for the kids, a new laptop for a college student or a brand-new 80” 4K TV for the living room, electronic retailers sell many high-ticket goods valued by all consumers.

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Radio’s Strength in Fitness

Author: Nick Arias, Research & Insights Assistant, RAB

Although the year is still young, the summer season is quickly approaching. People are in the right mindset to get in the best shape possible. While many are reaching their fitness goals, there are some that are still figuring out where to start.

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Radio Digital Revenue Grew by 6.8%: Insights from the Borrell-RAB Digital Benchmarking Report

Contributors: Todd Kalman, SVP sales, Marketron, and Beth Osborne, director, marketing and content, Marketron

Now in its 12th year, the Borrell-RAB digital benchmarking for radio delivered intelligence and learnings for the local media sales industry. One of the most exciting revelations was that radio digital revenue increased by 6.8%, besting the overall market of 5.4%. Additionally, 21% of all radio station ad revenue is now in the digital bucket. We’re eager to dive deep into the findings to deliver analysis for the year ahead.

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Technology and Trust

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

During CES 2024, companies displayed new technologies and innovations. If you have read or seen anything, the future will be interesting with what will hopefully be available for us. But where do consumers, more importantly radio listeners, fit in? What do they think about the technology available to them in the devices they use?

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Radio Works to Drive Business Forward

Tapping into radio’s loyal, attentive, and social audience yields a boost to the bottom line

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

The current economic environment and consumer concerns over inflation are challenging marketers and media alike to do more with less in an increasingly complicated and competitive marketplace. Add to that the ongoing threat of another health crisis, the rapid influx of advancing technology, and the multiplicity of events in 2023 and their long tail impact, one thing has remained stable, efficient, results-driven, and a trusted partner to marketers. Radio.

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Amplifying Brand Buzz: How Radio Redefines Conversations and Influence

Harness Radio’s Unique Ability to Fuel Purchase Intent and More

Contributor: Vanessa Lontoc, VP of Marketing, Engagement Labs

In the ever-evolving landscape of media impact, radio emerges as a potent catalyst for brand conversations. The study “Radio Drives Brand Conversations,” commissioned by RAB in partnership with Engagement Labs, dives deep into radio’s role in driving brand discussions and explores its profound influence on purchase intent, societal discourse and the bottom line. In this blog, we dissect key findings and offer actionable recommendations for brands and advertisers looking to harness the untapped potential of radio conversations.

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How Radio Builds Effectiveness for RMN Campaigns

The complementary effectiveness of radio’s always-on audience and retail media networks’ deep dataset

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

The marketing industry has long leaned into results-driven marketing efforts that square up against specific goals, audiences, and strategies. Today, due in part to the current financial climate, seemingly all marketing is performance marketing, with metrics defined by cost per audiences reached, served, and, ultimately, converted.

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Radio Can Help Promote Springtime Businesses

Author: Victor Texcucano, Content Coordinator, RAB

Spring is in the air. The weather is warming up, and flowers are blooming. It’s finally that time of the year when we can enjoy the outdoors. Now’s the time when people will begin lawn maintenance, growing fruits and veggies or just relaxing on their porch.

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Top Cultural Trends of 2023

Contributors: Maxine Gurevich, SVP/Cultural Intelligence and Courtney Mota, VP/Cultural Intelligence, Horizon Media

In 2022, we saw several pivotal events — the overturning of a 50-year law by the U.S. Supreme Court, Elon Musk’s seemingly impulsive Twitter takeover, FTX’s high-profile collapse, nationally televised hearings of the January 6th Committee and a contentious mid-term election. These are the kind of events that force people to question how the actions of a powerful few impact the majority. In 2023, we’ll be asking what role there is for brands to play in helping the current systems work better for more people. People are tired but better informed, and brands should prepare to demonstrate value upfront before asking people to part with their already-stretched, too-hard-earned money.  

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Radio Paves the Way for Growth

New Ways Marketers Can Deepen Their Engagement with Audiences

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

It has been proven time and again that innovation drives growth. In fact, according to Kantar BrandZ, brands that continue to innovate in difficult times and beyond grow seven times faster than competitors.

The same is true for media brands. As the media landscape continues to be disrupted, audio is innovating and providing new channels for growth, new listeners to connect with, and new creators that deliver exceptional, must-consume content. No wonder its forecast for growth is solid.

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Radio Was In It

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

According to Gary Shapiro, CES president and CEO, CES is a “beacon of hope and optimism” that starts the new year on a positive note. “Be in it” was the theme of 2023, and radio was there.

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2022 – The Year of Local

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Businesses. Retailers. Restaurants. Community. There has been incredible focus on everything local as consumers looked around and realized the role and impact local has in their lives. After all, it is great to travel, but “there’s no place like home.”

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Heavy Radio Listeners Stay Connected

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

If you are like most people, your home and those that live in it became more tech savvy and “smarter” in the past few years. People realized the importance of cellphones, fast internet and other tech type things. People became “tele-everything.” This is potentially the dawn of a tele-everything world, but this world is dependent on the internet, technology and of course, the devices needed in this new world.

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Why Radio Still Has the Ear of Consumers, Influencing Buying Decisions for a Variety of Advertisers

Contributor: Jenn Hoff, Digital Sales Director, Marketron

Radio continues to be a channel that engages and influences listeners across all demographics. While much has changed since its inception, radio holds strong as a medium that people trust and truly tune in to, making it a great opportunity for any advertiser.

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Boost Results and Revenue by Pitching Full-Funnel Ads to Local Advertisers

Contributor: Christian Kligora, SVP Customer Success/Marketron

The buying funnel, I’ll admit, is a jargony type of term. It’s one that many of your advertisers may have sparse knowledge of. What they do know is that they need to get in front of the right audiences at the right time. Even those with awareness realize the funnel is complicated and no longer linear. Many things impact when and how people make purchases from businesses.

As a trusted marketing professional to your clients, they depend on you to provide some education on the funnel and explain the importance of addressing every step to engage, attract and convert customers.

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Radio Reaches Adopters of Technology

Author: Victor Texcucano, Content Coordinator, RAB

The world of technology advances every day, and it sure is getting interesting. We now have 8K smart televisions with more than 33 million pixels, smart home speakers that let you hear local, national and global news with a mere voice command and even internet-connected thermostats that can be controlled from smartphone applications. Today’s technology is truly transforming our living spaces into smarter, more helpful environments.

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Insights Into CES

Author: Jeff Schmidt, SVP/Professional Development, RAB

Dr. Everett Rogers, a communications studies professor at Ohio State University, popularized the theory of diffusion of innovation. According to Rogers, there are four key groups or mindsets when it comes to new technology, new ideas and new concepts. At the front end are Innovators, the people who are constantly looking forward and searching for what’s next. At the back end are Laggards, who are constantly looking back and wondering what happened and how the world around them changed.

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