
Hispanics – the Fastest Growing
Consumer Market

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

$1.5 trillion.  That is the buying power of the Hispanic consumer – the largest minority market in the U.S.  According to the Selig Center for Economic Growth, this group’s economic clout has grown 203% since 2000, which makes it one of the fastest growing consumer markets here in the U.S.  This group represents nearly 18% of the country’s population.

Advertising to ethnic audiences was once considered an afterthought.  However, as the buying power of Hispanic consumers continued to increase, its importance as a target audience for advertisers grew.

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Consumer Market”

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Don Anthony, Owner of Talentmasters and Producer/Host of the Annual Morning Show and Talk Show Boot Camps

One of radio’s greatest assets is its on-air talent. Radio talent have a personal connection unlike any other. 56% of listeners state that personalities are the reason they tune in to listen to radio. And to an advertiser that is so important because listeners are not only tuning in to hear a specific personality, but they are listening to that specific talent.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with one of the greatest champions for radio’s on-air talent, Don Anthony. Don is the Owner and Founder of Talentmasters. He is the publisher of Jockline Daily and is also producer and host of the annual Morning Show Boot Camp and the Talk Show Boot Camp.

Radio and Connected Car Sales

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Earlier this year Kantar TNS, a global research agency, released an automotive study focused on the connected car.  The study revealed that owners of connected vehicles are indifferent, unaware and/or distrustful of the technology that is available to them in their vehicles.  Specifically, 47% of owners of connected vehicles are unaware of some of the features that classify them as connected.

Written with the manufacturer in mind, the study included a total of four insights and the opportunities within those insights.  Upon reading the study, it dawned on me that there are ways that radio can help solve some of these issues for the auto industry and local dealers, while also increasing radio’s share of ad dollars.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Sherman Kizart, Managing Director, Kizart Media Partners.

The 2010 census states almost 38% of the U.S. population is comprised of minority and ethnic groups and that figure is estimated to grow in 2020 when the new census is taken. These individuals represent an important and ever-increasing audience for radio.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Sherman Kizart, Managing Director, Kizart Media Partners.

Over the years Sherman has focused his efforts on the consideration and inclusion of multicultural audiences in an advertiser’s marketing campaign.  Through his hard work and dedication, the Fair Play Charter, relaunched earlier this year by the 4A’s, reemphasized that media agencies and media departments within agencies recommit to fair and equitable treatment of minority media owners and or media targeting minority audiences. Sherman has also been a proponent and spokesperson on the importance of diversity in broadcast ownership representing both women and minority groups.

Attention Back-to-School Shoppers

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Here we are – mid-July, lush gardens, warm weather, barbecues and picnics with friends and families.  The mid-point of summer and the year are now over.  This means only one thing – back-to-school shopping is in full swing!

While it may seem difficult to believe, go into any retailer of clothing, shoes or office supplies and the deals are just starting as the school shopping season runs from July through September.  These retailers, whether they have a national footprint or one location on Main Street, have the same goal – to reach potential shoppers, get them to their location and shop. Why? Because back-to-school shopping is the second biggest shopping season for retailers.  And according to the National Retail Federation, 2017 back-to-school (BTS) shopping was expected to reach $83.6 billion.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Doug McElrath and Jim Baxter with the University of Maryland’s Library of American Broadcasting.

Broadcasting has an extremely rich history. There have been many individuals, events and activities that have not only influenced the business but helped pave the way for the business as we know it today.

In this edition of Radio on Main Street, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Doug McElrath, Director of Special Collections and University Archives for the University of Maryland Libraries and Jim Baxter, Research Associate with the University of Maryland’s Library of American Broadcasting. The Library of American Broadcasting Foundation’s collection is located on the university’s main College Park Maryland campus. It has been curated over the years and features many things from radio and television’s early days to specific collections donated by companies and individuals. The foundation is a 501 (c) (3) charitable foundation to which tax-deductible contributions may be made to help support the mission of the foundation.

Political Media Buying 2018:
Where Does Radio Fit?

Contributor: Leo Kivijarv, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & Director of Research, PQ Media

Last week’s post laid the groundwork for the current state of elections in 2018.  This post covers radio’s revenue opportunity for attracting political spending.

One of the biggest debates on political media buying is the potential shift from traditional media to digital and other alternative marketing platforms. There are two trains of thought.

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Where Does Radio Fit?”

2018 Political Landscape

Contributed by: Leo Kivijarv, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & Director of Research, PQ Media

There are many unanswered questions as the 2018 campaign begins in earnest.

      • First, experts disagree on whether federal and local candidates will emulate the unconventional media buying strategies employed by Donald Trump in 2016 by relying heavily on free “earned media” from tweets.
      • Second, there is still some disagreement as to how much fundraising will rise or fall compared to previous years, given the increase in political activism immediately after last year’s election.
      • Third, some believe analysis of early results of recent elections is a harbinger of the November elections in which Republican strongholds have elected a Democrat, such as Doug Jones in Alabama.

The elephant in the room is control of Congress. Can the growing discontent in the United States result in the Democrats regaining the majority in both the Senate and House? Will candidates and Super PACs raise more money than previously recorded as a result? Therein lies the major driver that will determine political spending during the year. Other drivers that will contribute to the final political media buying total include a high number of toss-up gubernatorial races, controversial ballot initiatives, and the rising interest in which party controls the various state legislatures.

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