
What’s on the Horizon for Radio

Contributor: Nicole Ovadia, vice president of forecasting and analysis, BIA Advisory Services

The radio advertising landscape is in the midst of a dynamic transformation, but within this evolution lies a world of untapped potential. As consumer habits adapt and digital integration becomes the norm, key industries are reshaping their advertising strategies. Yet, amidst these changes, local radio stands strong as a resilient and potent force in the media mix – the fifth largest media when you examine the total local advertising marketplace.

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Reach Pet Owners with Radio

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

After a long day at work, there is nothing like taking some time to go for a walk or play with a furry friend. Pet ownership has been shown to improve one’s physical and mental health. Not only do they offer companionship and reduce stress, in some instances, they provide a service by helping people live independently.

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Radio Has Auto Insurance Covered

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

For some, purchasing a vehicle is exciting, for others it brings on a feeling of dread. There are many decisions to make; there are cost considerations. Vehicle purchase decisions by some are not just about the cost of the vehicle but the cost of vehicle ownership.

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Healthcare Ads on Radio: What’s Working Best

Contributor: Rick Kestenbaum, General Manager, AnalyticOwl

Healthcare is always a top-of-mind concern for consumers, and radio has proven to be an effective way to reach and motivate consumers. According to Scarborough’s USA+ 2022 Release, 85% of chiropractic patients are radio listeners, 85% of optometry patients tune in weekly, and 84% of dental patients are weekly radio listeners.

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Radio Works to Drive Business and Brand Growth

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

Radio can help brands and businesses grow in a number of ways. Whether the goal is to drive awareness, traffic, or sales, radio can be a key player in a brand’s media plan. In fact, according to a 2020 iHeartMedia survey, radio is the No. 1 trusted medium in the U.S., with 75 percent of respondents saying they trust radio for the information and entertainment it delivers.

Through a Radio Works series of online, members-only events, the Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) has taken a deep dive into more than 18 categories of business, including healthcare, automotive, retail, and restaurants, among others. While each category is unique, one thing remains consistent across the board: radio can be an effective way to drive business and brand growth.

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Farms – A Growth Opportunity

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

When most people hear about local businesses, the first thing that comes to mind are the brick-and-mortar locations that sell goods or offer services. While that may be true, there is another business that is not based as much on hard goods or services, but items that are served and eaten in homes. The business in reference is farming.

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Radio Reaches an Underserved and Wealthy Consumer Group

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

When it comes to consumer groups, most businesses focus on reaching millennials or the upcoming Generation Z. While these groups may be seen as influencers as well as future retail and services consumers, businesses may be missing an affluent and powerful consumer group – baby boomers.

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Insurance and Radio – It’s Personal

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

With major shift in the workplace model from in-office to hybrid, Americans are revaluating their residences. Is their current residence conducive to sustain a regular work-from-home situation versus an occasional event? Whether it is a condo, a home or rented apartment, many consumers appreciate the importance of homeowners/personal property insurance.

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Radio is the Best Policy for Insurance

Contributor: Rick Kestenbaum, General Manager, AnalyticOwl

As lockdowns occurred at the onset of the pandemic in 2020, Americans experienced financial concerns and reviewed all their household expenses – including insurance. Consumers evaluated their auto, home and life insurance policies. They also realized the importance of their insurance carrier’s ability to handle their concerns quickly, efficiently and virtually.

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Radio Covers Auto Insurance

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

At the onset of the pandemic in 2020, nonessential workers limited their vehicle use – other than for trips to the supermarket or leisurely drives. As lockdowns lifted, drivers hit the road again as businesses reopened and companies developed hybrid work-from-home and office schedules. In a report issued by INRIX, a location-based data and analytics firm that tracks traffic and parking, the vehicle-miles traveled may have had dropped initially but speeds increased. Based on this same report, collision rates began to climb back up to pre-COVID-19 levels between August and October.

Recognizing the shift in consumer behavior, the insurance industry responded by offering their customers discounts or rebates. However, those consumers who had once not owned or leased a vehicle, were now beginning to view vehicle ownership as a form of personal protective equipment. All these shifts created another behavior – search for auto insurance.

While radio reaches 88% adults who use any auto insurance provider, radio’s reach is even higher among adults, Blacks/African Americans and Hispanics who are planning to switch their auto insurance provider – 90%, 94% and 93%, respectively.*

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Radio Has a Great Story

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

As states across the country locked down, it created massive shifts in behaviors and routines. We’ve all read about studies that have analyzed the shifts and the overall mood by people across the country. One thing was evident among all these studies – people are missing what they did every day.

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Radio Ad Categories Web Increases During COVID-19

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

It may be hard to imagine, but it was just a few years ago that headlines focused on how a particular generation was changing and impacting everything – from the workplace, to food and shopping. It is without question that 2020 will be marked as a year that impacted how and where all consumers shop.

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Looking for Coverage? Radio Can Help

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

What’s the one thing that everyone needs but not many have? It’s also one thing that many adults won’t speak to their loved ones about. Life insurance.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, only 60% of U.S. adults had some form of life insurance and 20% believed that they didn’t have enough. The most common reasons for owning life insurance: cover burial and final expenses, help replaced lost wages of a wage earner and leave some money/inheritance.
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