
Cost Effective and Targeted: How Radio Helps You Do More

Today’s guest blog post is courtesy of Karen Hayes, Principal, Marketing Consultant with Mount Marketing

Think for a minute. While you read this, another company or organization is targeting your customer. Regardless of what you’re offering — a product, service, or even information – another company is offering the same or similar. Advertising channels, once limited to TV, radio, print and direct mail, have exploded in recent decades. Now companies have multiple channels available to them to target and reach your customers: cable and network TV; radio; print; out of home; direct mail; social; mobile and digital among others. When you have a multi-billion dollar advertising budget, you can leverage a strategic combination of several channels to reach customers. But what happens when you are trying to reach a national audience with an advertising budget so limited that some multinational companies could spend more in one market? That’s the reality for some organizations.

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News – Listeners Hear All About It

Previous posts have touched on radio’s ability to reach people across age groups, gender, language and locations.  Radio’s reach is based upon many things – community, personalities, music and news.  Yes, news.  Despite technology and social media trends, people continue to listen to news on the radio.

While it may not be surprising that of those adults who believe that radio is a good source for learning and providing information, 83% are radio listeners.  It may surprise you to know that of those adults who believe radio is the most trusted, 30% are A18-34, 56% are A18-49, 54% are A25-54 and 36% are A35-54 – based on GfK MRI data.

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Over-the-Air Radio Dominates —
Complemented by Streams

It doesn’t matter what state or city you are in or even the street you are on, smartphones are everywhere.  Smartphones have become an item that you can’t be without.  Think of the last time you forgot your phone.  Did you get that sick and almost lost feeling, like you were disconnected from everything?  It’s even harder when you live in a city where you commute using public transportation?  You have no choice but to read the signage on the bus or trains and even worse, look at people!!  Yikes.

OK, well maybe that’s a bit extreme, but I’m certain that brought at least a chuckle!  The point is that the smartphone doesn’t replace everything in a consumer’s life, but it does complement it.  Similarly, streaming or online radio complements broadcast radio.

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Complemented by Streams”

Men are Shopping, Buying and Listening

In recent years there have been studies and articles about millennial males and the increasing impact they have on purchases for everything from food to personal care.  While this may be true, it is because the role that men play in today’s American families has changed and continues to change.

According to Pew Research Center, “fathers today who live with their children are taking a more active role in caring for them and helping out around the house. And the ranks of stay-at-home and single fathers have grown significantly in recent decades.” The number of stay-at-home fathers varies based upon the source, ranging anywhere from 215,000 to 1.3 million.  Anecdotally, we all know that the number continues to grow – we hear about it more and more from friends, colleagues and family members.

This post is not intended to focus solely on stay-at-home dads, but to highlight how efforts to reach the male audience today has changed and is reflective of the shift in their role at work, at home and with family.  In the U.S. today there are nearly 120 million men 18 and older. So here’s what you need to know.

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Radio Reaches a $1.3 Trillion
Consumer Segment

Previous posts have focused on radio’s diversity – its diversity of music, formats and ability to reach different age groups. Radio also reaches a diverse audience – general market, Hispanic and Blacks/African-Americans.

According to African-Americans: Demographic and Consumer Spending Trends, a report released by Packaged Facts, African-American buying power grew 27% to $1.3 trillion – from 2010-2015. That buying power is forecast to grow 16% from 2015-2020.

While many pieces focused on Blacks/African-Americans’ rise during Black History Month, it’s important to note that this is a powerful consumer segment that should be reached for more than just that period of time. Read on to learn about some of the powerful ways that radio reaches this target audience.

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Consumer Segment”

Radio = Results

Today’s blog post is courtesy of Jim Higgins, President, Chief Operating Officer, United Stations Radio Networks; co-author and contributor: Matthew Warnecke, Senior Account Executive, United Stations Radio Networks

As audience behaviors expand, contract, and realign, much time is taken up with the search for the latest answer to age-old marketing questions. Namely, where are the consumers? How can we reach them? What are their lives like? How can we do more with less?

Potential customers are now living in a media consumption world of “and,” rather than “or.” In other words, don’t put all of your commercial messaging into one media. It’s finding the right “mix” that can mean success in reaching audiences effectively. Multi‐media is the smart answer and radio/audio is a substantial part of that mix. Depending on which recent studies you look at, at least 90% of Americans listen to radio every week! Whether it’s RADAR (247M weekly 12+ listeners), or Nielsen’s Q4 Total Audience Report (280M weekly 6+ listeners), marketers can’t go wrong when they look for consumers among a universe of HUNDREDS of MILLIONS. If we look at Adults 18+, 92.5% (222.2M) tune in to radio each week (Nielsen Comparable Metrics 3Q 16). Nielsen says that is a larger number than TV, larger than PCs, larger than smartphones, larger than tablets. Read that previous sentence again.

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