
Influence Destinations with Radio

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

After years of staying at home and staycations, people are ready to get out and about. Domestic travel is expected to rise compared to previous years despite economic concerns. The U.S. Travel Association forecasts that the total number of trips in 2023 will be 2.33B – significantly higher that 2021 at 2.02B.

This forecast is consistent with what travel agents are seeing. TravelAge West reports that 50% of the travel agents they surveyed were very optimistic for 2023, and 36% were somewhat optimistic. In all, survey results showed that, of those travel agents surveyed, three-quarters stated their clients are planning and confirming their trips in 2023 further out that they did last year.

As Americans plan to hit the road or take flight to visit destinations they want to experience and tour, professionals and businesses in the tourism and hospitality sector should take note as to what matters to these travelers. Did you know that of 65% of adults who are very likely to travel within the U.S. are radio listeners?

Tourism and hospitality professionals should know that these radio listening travelers want new experiences – 77% want to go places they’ve never been before, according to MRI-Simmons. Amenities and discounts should be included within messaging to appeal to these travelers. Although 68% of these radio listeners consider discounts as strong influences as to where they travel and stay, they also enjoy amenities. Fifty-eight percent think it is worth it to pay more for high quality accommodations.

When they plan their trips and vacations, over half (56%) want adventures and thrills on their vacations. These trips and vacations don’t always need to destinations that can only be reached by air. Travel by vehicle to a destination is something half of these adults often do.  

If all the “boxes” are checked off and the experience and service is spot on, these travelers will return. Sixty-nine percent will return to a vacation spot, if they find one that they like. What travel and tourism professional wouldn’t want a returning client?

Whether it is a destination for travel, adventure or sightseeing, broadcast radio can create the imagery of the destination experience. It is a gateway for travel organizations and businesses to reach and connect with radio listeners who are ready for their next excursion.


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