
Radio Listener Fans – A Treasure Trove of Information

Radio listeners’ emotional bond with the stations they tune into is no surprise.  We’ve shared in the past the unique connection that listeners have with the personalities on those stations.

Today, the two-way conversation that radio has with its listeners extends well beyond the call-ins from years ago.  Radio engages with its listeners via text, tweets, social media and even via their loyal listener database.  If the concept of a database for a radio station surprises you, then read on.

Many radio stations today have a treasure trove of listener information.  Similar to rewards programs at restaurants or stores, radio stations’ listeners can opt-in to participate.  They just need to provide information such as age, gender, etc., or sometimes they can even sign up via their Facebook account.  In return, the listeners get exclusive content, along with the opportunity to access contests, receive coupons or product trials, or simply just answer surveys.  This provides the station the ability to target specific ads, messages, opportunities, etc. to an engaged and interested listener.

Insights from these databases can help advertisers understand the nuances of not just radio listeners or their current consumers, but of potential new consumers.  Advertisers can learn what prompts brand affinity or triggers product trial.  You can also learn about anything ranging from home improvement plans to auto preferences and even political outlook.

One example of a site that taps into this kind of treasure trove is Our Media, sponsored by Katz Media Group, which is described as an “online community of people who love their hometowns and the local radio and TV stations that serve them.”  Via this site, those who opt-in participate in various surveys or bulletin-board discussions on various topics such as ads, on-air personalities, radio station events, programming, etc.  As you can imagine, with such a passionate and engaged audience of radio listeners you can be certain to get honest and thoughtful responses.  With radio’s ability to reach millions of listeners on a weekly basis, the data from surveys and community boards such as this one can provide advertisers — from main street businesses to national brands — a wealth of information.

Data has become the new shiny object and it’s with good reason.  Data tells a story, delivers information and can provide direction.  Data is not limited to only digital media, national retailers or consumer goods companies.  Data is available within the communities where we all live and work via the radio stations within those communities.  Radio listeners are loyal.  Radio listener surveys and databases, based upon the responses of nearly 11,000 commercial broadcast station audiences across the country, can deliver gems of information.


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