
Reach Pet Owners with Radio

Have you ever noticed that when you speak to someone who has a pet, they speak of the pet as if it were a child? People are as passionate and emotionally connected with their pets as they are with their human relatives (sometimes even more). They buy only the best for their pets.

It’s no surprise that the 2017 pet industry is estimated at $69.4 billion dollars according to the American Pet Products Association (APPA). That figure is comprised of food, supplies/over-the-counter medicine, vets, grooming and boarding, and even live animal purchases.

The pet industry continues to grow as an important ad category and was one of radio’s top 40 ad categories in 2016 according to Kantar data. If you are targeting a pet owner, or advertising a product or service in this category, radio should be the medium of choice. Radio reaches 91% of adults that shopped at any pet supply store over the past three months, according to Scarborough.

Pet owners who are 18 years or older are:

    • 12% more likely than the general population to listen to the radio while at work on weekdays
    • 11% more likely than the general population to listen to the radio while at work on weekends

Pet parents (aka owners) have different radio listening characteristics based on their pets. If they own a bird, they are:

  • 27% more likely than the general population to listen to the radio at work on the weekend
  • 42% more likely than the general population to listen to the radio in a place other than home, car or work on a weekend

Of those adults who listen to an online stream of an AM/FM radio station, 50% are dog owners and 26% are cat owners. And of those adults who visited a radio station, radio program or radio personality’s site, 48% have dogs and 25% have cats.

It doesn’t matter if the pet parent has a dog, cat or bird, they love their pets and radio is important to them too. That’s why 82% of pet owners who believe their pets deserve to be pampered listen to the radio.

Source: GfK MRI 2016 Doublebase, Adults 18+


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