
It’s Never Too Early to Get into the Spirit of the Holiday Shopping Season

Author: Nick Arias, Research & Insights Assistant, RAB

As incredible as it may seem, the end of the 2023 calendar year is fast approaching. This means that the countdown to the holiday season is right around the corner. To many, this means the start of seasonal shopping for gifts.

There are many who start their holiday shopping early, while others get a head start on holiday shopping early in the season. According to a Vericast survey, 42% of consumers said they begin holiday shopping in October or earlier, and 28% say that they have gotten most of the shopping done in October or earlier. However, a vast majority (72%) noted that they get most of the holiday shopping done in November or December.

While some consumers shop in person, others prefer to do their shopping online – because it’s easier or because they don’t have time. According to survey results from Justuno, a conversion marketing and analytics platform, 56% of shoppers intend to do Christmas shopping online this year. For comparison, data from the National Retail Federation’s Annual Thanksgiving Weekend consumer survey, the number of shoppers during Thanksgiving weekend increased in-store and online. Black Friday was the most tallied day for online shoppers, with 87.2 million people shopping online versus 72.9 million in-store.

No matter what time of the year it is, it is always the right time to use radio to reach and influence shoppers to purchase items for their loved ones. A Katz Media Group survey noted that 57% of radio listeners consider themselves big holiday shoppers. It is no wonder, since 66% of those who’ve visited/shopped at any mall or shopping center in the last six months listen to the radio, per MRI-Simmons. When it comes to principal shoppers, 64% of male principal shoppers listen to radio and 67% of female shoppers are also radio listeners. Regarding gift giving/receiving, 66% of those who purchased fine jewelry for someone else as a gift are active radio listeners, according to MRI-Simmons. The same percentage goes for those who received or were gifted a watch as a gift, and these are also active radio listeners.

Radio listeners have certain attitudes about shopping. For instance, 56% of radio listeners like to shop around a lot to take advantage of specials or bargains. Radio listeners also like variety – 49% admit that when they shop, they usually visit various stores. But radio listeners are also loyal shoppers. Seventy-five percent usually only shop at their favorite stores because they know the store has brands that they like. (Creative insight – Retailers should include brand names and inventory levels to inform current and potential customers.) Radio listeners are also determined buyers – 82% have decided what they want before shopping, per MRI-Simmons data.

Consumers across the board have the economy and inflation top of mind. When possible, advertisers should share sales and savings offers as a way to distinguish themselves from the competition. Saving money is important to radio listeners – 59% state that they search for discount codes before making a purchase online.

Radio engages and connects in a very personal way offering content and companionship. Per MRI-Simmons data:

  • 48% of adult shoppers said radio puts them in a good mood.
  • 44% of adult shoppers said that they think radio is pure entertainment.
  • 32% of adult shoppers believe that radio is a good source of learning.
  • 31% of adult shoppers said that radio makes them think.

Although fall hasn’t officially arrived yet, it’s not too early to grab the attention of holiday shoppers. Radio can help local retailers drive traffic online and onsite to help increase pre-holiday sales revenue. Using radio to deliver the message of discounts, gift ideas and more can make 2023 a cheerful and successful holiday shopping season.


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