
Targeting the Next Big Consumer – Teens

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

An online search for Gen Z will deliver results in the billions regarding various topics and industries. If you are wondering why, it is because they are about to become the largest and most important consumer target. They may also be the most complex.

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It’s July – Time for Back-to-School Shopping

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Having just come off a long summer holiday weekend, parents of children across the U.S. are prepping for, or have already begun, back-to-school shopping. If you think it is too soon, think again. According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), 61% of consumers typically plan their back-to-school shopping around retail sales events like Fourth of July.

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Gen Z is Tuning into Radio – Social
Media Platforms are Taking Notice

Author: Madison Wright, Events and Communications Coordinator, RAB

You may be looking at this title and are thinking “Gen Z doesn’t listen to the radio; social media is where you reach them.” Did you know that radio reaches nearly 44,000,000 Gen Zers every week, according to Edison Research? While this group makes up around 20% of the U.S. population, per Statista, there is no denying the listening power of Gen Z.

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Media Platforms are Taking Notice”

Radio by the Numbers

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Artificial intelligence. Autonomous vehicles. Robotic pets. It is easy to become enamored with technology and the latest gadgets, because they provide us with something that we didn’t know we needed or wanted. However we have also seen some technology or gadgets that some thought would be the next hottest thing, fizzle out.

Despite these tech advances, people today still use and appreciate the value of Radio. At its core, Radio remains relevant and prevalent, regardless of the device or platform used to tune in.

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Radio’s Top 10 to Usher in 2020

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

As we leave one decade to enter another, we couldn’t be prouder of the progress that radio has made to continuously deliver first-class and relevant content to listeners any way they wish to consume it. Among consumers today, audio is hot and radio is hotter. Advertisers from Main Street to Wall Street are tapping into radio’s incredible power and unique attributes. Why? Because radio is emotionally engaging, personal and measurable with the ability to deliver ad messages in a safe and receptive environment.
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Why Teens Matter, Part Two: Targeting Tomorrow’s Money Demo

Contributors:  Larry Rosin, Co-founder & President, Edison Research;  Megan Lazovick, Vice President, Edison Research;  Laura Ivey, Director of Research, Edison Research

We last left you with the findings from the latest study commissioned by the Country Radio Broadcasters in recognition of the 50th Country Radio Seminar, Understanding Parents, Teens, and Country Music. To refresh your memory, the study focuses on the nature of relationships between teens and their parents, how they bond over music, and how each one influences the other.

How can radio stations, advertisers, and agencies attract and engage with tomorrow’s “money demo?” Continue reading “Why Teens Matter, Part Two: Targeting Tomorrow’s Money Demo”

Why Teens Matter, Part One: Understanding Teens’ Influence

Contributors:  Larry Rosin, Co-founder & President, Edison Research;  Megan Lazovick, Vice President, Edison Research;  Laura Ivey, Director of Research, Edison Research

We will hazard a guess right now that you, the reader of this article, are not a teenager. So we at Edison Research will tell you exactly what we think of teenagers: They are important. They are especially important to radio and to the businesses that want to reach them, and we have new research to tell us why.

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