
Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Scott Davis and Bernie Shimkus from Harmelin Media

Strong partnerships and collaborations are, many times, the most important ingredient for results oriented success. Harmelin Media has grown into one of the largest independent media service firms in the country and is connecting brands and customers in relevant and efficient ways.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Harmelin Media’s EVP of Client Relations, Scott Davis and VP/Director of Research and Consumer Insights, Bernie Shimkus about the importance of understanding the customer’s journey and their path to purchase. Since every advertising dollar is being looked at under a microscope these days, Scott and Bernie agree that radio needs to continue to demonstrate accountability and develop measurements along with solid research to quantify how an advertising message performs.

What the Marijuana Industry’s Organization Voluntary Ad
Standards Mean for Radio

Contributors: Brad C. Deutsch  Principal, Garvey Schubert Barer, P.C. and Aaron S. Edelman, Attorney, Garvey Schubert Barer, P.C. 

 In our previous blog posts, we’ve addressed both the possible risks associated with marijuana advertising that are unique to being the federal licensee of a radio station and the intricacies of many state laws regarding digital media advertisements for marijuana.

The latest development in the push to normalize marijuana and cannabis products as a consumer good comes from the cannabis industry’s own “Self-Regulatory” member organization, the National Association of Cannabis Businesses (NACB), which has recently adopted voluntary standards for advertising by its members. This blog post examines what impact these voluntary standards will actually have for advertising on the radio.

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Standards Mean for Radio”

Radio on Main Street Featuring R.J. Curtis, Recently Appointed Executive Director of the Country Radio Broadcasters and Producer of the CRS, Feb. 13-15

One of the most exciting events of the year for those working in country radio is the Country Radio Seminar.  Celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year, the seminar held in Nashville is scheduled for February 13-15.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with the recently appointed Executive Director of the Country Radio Broadcasters and producer of the event – RJ Curtis.  Taking over the reins this year from soon to be retired executive Bill Mayne, RJ shares his thoughts on the country radio format, the relationship between the radio and music communities and what we can look forward to at this year’s seminar.

Insights into CES 2019

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

We are transitioning from the digital age into a new era that some are calling the data age.  The importance of learning and understanding technology, as well as how it affects brands, the consumer experience, and ultimately radio advertisers and listeners was underscored during RAB’s attendance at CES 2019.

Throughout CES 2019, content, consumers and transformation were some of the words that were used as part of product descriptions but also within panel discussions.  And while CES may have once been considered a tech conference, Shawn DuBravac, futurist and trendcaster, believes it should be viewed as a business conference.  Technology is infused in everything as businesses – ranging from automotive to consumer product goods and even agriculture – tap into it.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring John Ellis of Ellis & Associates

One year ago, at CES in Las Vegas, RAB President & CEO Erica Farber sat down with John Ellis of Ellis & Associates, to discuss one of Radio’s most important business categories – automotive.  John is an author and futurist and is an expert in big data and how it will change business models.

Reconnecting at this year’s CES, they sat down once again to pick up on the conversation about the continued relationship between broadcast and the automotive industry.

Radio Drives Fine Jewelry
Retailer Search

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Diamonds. Pearls. Rings.  Considered fine jewelry, these are all items that are purchased or gifted by many regardless of age group – yes, even watches.  According to Scarborough data, 93% of adults 18+ purchased fine jewelry in the past year.

Like other industries, the jewelry industry is experiencing changes in how consumers shop for fine jewelry.  Technology allows consumers to self-educate and research via various platforms and technologies.  While national jewelry retailers are an important source for fine jewelry purchases, local stores and department stores are tied as the second most-used locations, according to National Jeweler.

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Retailer Search”

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Richard Oatman, President of First Person Advertising in Kansas City

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Richard Oatman, President of First Person Advertising based in Kansas City. With a strong background in radio sales, Richard has taken that experience and put it to work on behalf of small business owners. His clients must monetize their ad investments and they hold him accountable at all times.

His message for the New Year: “Every person in radio station management needs to focus on the number one reason for showing up to work every day – it is the client – and everything they do has to revolve around that.”

Resolutions and Reflections

Authors: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB & Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Happy New Year!  It’s hard to believe that another year has gone by.   Right now all of us are working toward our resolutions for 2019 — both personal and professional — as well as remembering the numerous highlights of 2018.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Radio Strategies for 2019 From Industry Leaders Across the Country

In this episode of Radio on Main Street, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the Radio Advertising Bureau, sat down with some of radio’s leaders, who represent markets and companies both large, medium and small, to talk about their strategies for driving revenue growth in 2019. They talk about their plans to optimize marketing initiatives and explore new sales channels and tie it all together with real-time customer support that builds lasting customer relationships.

We hope you enjoy this special edition and even pick up some thoughts and ideas you can implement within your own companies and radio stations.