
Men are Shopping, Buying and Listening

In recent years there have been studies and articles about millennial males and the increasing impact they have on purchases for everything from food to personal care.  While this may be true, it is because the role that men play in today’s American families has changed and continues to change.

According to Pew Research Center, “fathers today who live with their children are taking a more active role in caring for them and helping out around the house. And the ranks of stay-at-home and single fathers have grown significantly in recent decades.” The number of stay-at-home fathers varies based upon the source, ranging anywhere from 215,000 to 1.3 million.  Anecdotally, we all know that the number continues to grow – we hear about it more and more from friends, colleagues and family members.

This post is not intended to focus solely on stay-at-home dads, but to highlight how efforts to reach the male audience today has changed and is reflective of the shift in their role at work, at home and with family.  In the U.S. today there are nearly 120 million men 18 and older. So here’s what you need to know.

According to GfK MRI data, 83% of Men 18+ listen to any AM or FM radio or streams, and 52% have visited the website of a radio station, radio station program or personality. You can reach them through radio anytime and anyplace.  Based on this same research, 46% of listening is at home, 49% is in the car and 64% while working – by men 18 + – during an entire week.

When they are listening, the assumption may be that they are listening to sports on the radio.  While that assumption is correct, there are other formats where the male audience is well over 50%, some of which are Adult Hits, News/Talk, Classic Hits, Rock, Classical and Variety, along with various Hispanic/Spanish subsets.

When it comes to other media, there’s no comparison to radio.

While radio reaches male listeners who belong to a gym (91%), work from home (91%), use personal injury attorneys (93%) and accountants (92%), there are other important facts to know.  Radio reaches male shoppers of all kinds.

So the next time you need to reach males, look to radio – it’s got you covered.



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