
Hiring? Radio Can Get the Job Done

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Businesses and organizations have struggled over the past few years filling open roles or just retaining staff. There appears to be good news on the horizon as numerous publications and economists are reporting that this phenomenon is over.

According to the December U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of job openings in October of this year was lower that September and significantly lower than in October 2022. Of course, there are many factors contributing to the demise of The Great Resignation. Economic uncertainty, inflation and limited job opportunities (within some industries) are just some of the factors preventing employees from quitting or job hopping. In fact, a recent Nielsen report uncovered that 95% of consumers across generations are concerned about inflation and it is impacting their purchasing decisions.

However, employees still have some expectations. Many employees as well as candidates expect some form of job flexibility as well as a healthy and inclusive work environment. These are important things for businesses and organizations to consider when trying to reach the right candidate for an open position.

We have shared before that broadcast radio, with the ability to reach adults at home or on the go, can help companies fill open positions. Radio is considered a local resource for information. It is part of the community and drives awareness for businesses and the products and services they offer. It can also drive recruitment and interest in employment opportunities.

Adults who tune into radio are great job candidates. Ninety-seven percent of radio listeners perceive themselves to be trustworthy. Their view on their employment is one that should be noticed by potential employers – 43% view their work to be a career not a job. These insights from MRI-Simmons should highlight the opportunity for businesses to use AM/FM radio to fill those open positions.


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