
Top 10 Radio Show Takeaways

This year’s Radio Show delivered information, insights and entertainment. But above all, it clearly demonstrated a reminder that partnerships among our industry and with our advertising community are stronger than ever and remain critically important.

Over the course of three days, a lot was shared, presented and stated.  So, here is a brief recap of what everyone should know in the form of a Top 10.

  1. Radio drives search.  Radio as a medium can drive incremental search by 29%.  The lift in search can also be influenced by the creative effectiveness.  Be on the lookout for more study details.
  2. Radio drives results for advertisers. Panels comprised of local, regional and national advertisers shared how they leverage radio to meet their business goals, and though each one of them measure success differently, each achieves tremendous success – whether it be driving store traffic, building brand awareness or generating search.  Radio delivers a halo effect to drive brand image, recognition and search, and it also delivers and exceeds return on investment.
  3. Radio will embrace the fact that data is driving media and marketing decisions for advertisers. The good news is that data directly attributes radio as a driving component to Comcast’s ad campaigns and it is critically important for radio stations to understand the role data is now playing in an advertiser’s decision-making process.
  4. Radio’s greatest asset is the on-air personality.  On-air personalities are radio’s original social medium and a valuable asset who, organically and naturally, endorse brands and drive unquestionable success.  Larry Schweber, Div. Vice President, Marketing & Communications, Comcast, believes that “radio has gone beyond radio and has expanded its reach into social.”
  5. Radio is the most flexible and nimble medium.  It provides advertisers the ability to instantly change messaging and media and delivers urgent messages to consumers when they need to hear it.
  6. Radio helps community and informs. Radio has been a source of information during the recent hurricanes hitting Texas and Florida.  When the power went out, radio was there to keep listeners up to date on storm tracking and kept them informed of where to go to seek shelter.  FCC Chairman Ajit Pai stated, “I’m in awe of broadcasters’ response to Harvey. But I’m not surprised. Because that’s what broadcasters do. You go above and beyond to be there for your communities. That’s true anytime, but especially in times of crisis.”
  7. Radio is an important component in the dashboard. The automotive vehicle as we currently know it is undergoing a metamorphosis and connectivity will be a key element.  People want cars that match their lifestyle. Radio will continue to have a place in-vehicle because “radio is the most original connecting device there is,” according to Scott Deaver, EVP and Chief Marketing Officer of Avis Budget Group.
  8. Radio delivers audio content.  Radio is successfully playing a role in the podcast arena.  Radio broadcasts and podcasts have a symbiotic relationship.  A number of on-air personalities deliver extended content on demand – extending listener engagement and providing advertisers with additional ways to reach consumers.
  9. Radio buying will get easier.  Programmatic transacting will alleviate some of the labor involved in buying radio, deliver a message to specific audiences based on behavioral characteristics, and create new revenue streams for radio.  Programmatic should be embraced.  “Radio was always there with audience behavioral information, and qualitative or audience-based buying could create more opportunities for radio stations,” stated Kevin Gallagher, EVP, Spark Foundry.
  10. Radio matters to music artists.  From songwriters to superstars, radio matters to them and many are appreciative of radio’s ability to connect with listeners and are grateful for what radio has done for their careers.  Country music group Asleep at the Wheel believes “without radio, Asleep at the Wheel wouldn’t be here,” and country music artist Drake White echoes the same sentiment:  “I thank you for supporting my band’s dreams.”  They also recall how they felt the first time they heard themselves on the radio.  “Driving in Birmingham, hearing your name on the radio from the guy you were listening to since you were 10 years old is bad ass,” chuckled singer and songwriter Jack Ingram.  Even certified superstars are in awe.  “It’s a dream come true every time I hear my songs on the radio,” stated Demi Lovato.

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