
Radio – A Medium for All Seasons

With the arrival of Fall, a shift began.  Stores have long been prepped displaying décor for fall holidays and Halloween.  Sadly, it is just a matter of time before holiday ornaments and decorations are available for purchase as well.

Although some of the things that people do may change with the start of new seasons, there are other things that won’t – like listening to the radio.

When it comes to radio listening, it knows no seasons. Winter, spring, summer or fall, adult tune-in time remains consistent at an average 13.8* hours every week. When it comes to time spent listening among Hispanics and Blacks, that time is just as consistent and higher at 14 and 14.6* respectively on average every week.

Throughout the year, radio reaches over 91% of adults across age groups every week.

While some things change as the seasons do such as clothing, scenery or activities, there is one thing that doesn’t – radio listening.  Radio knows no seasons – it’s a medium for all seasons.



*RADAR 130-134, September 2016-September 2017, Monday-Sunday 24-Hour weekly TSL, Adults/Hispanics/Blacks 18+, All Radio


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