
Radio Can Help With What Ails You

The passing of Black Friday and Cyber Monday marks the advent of all things holiday – songs, shopping, gift giving, visiting, entertaining and stress. Yes, holiday stress syndrome is a real thing.

The stress of the holiday season can cause people to get sick with a cold, virus or just feeling run down. According to a recent article on MSN, more people go to the emergency room during the holidays than any other time of the year. With all of the running around that traditionally occurs during this season, consumers will find themselves under the weather — leading to visits to their local doctor.

What better way to communicate the caring professionalism patients can receive from local doctors than radio?

As noted before, radio is a very personal medium that is trusted by its listeners. No other medium can extend the personal connection that one can also attribute to their family physician. That may be why 63% of AM/FM radio listeners ages 18 and older believe that “doctor knows best,” according to GfK MRI data.

Who goes to the doctor? Seventy-eight percent of those individuals who have seen a doctor five or more times in the past year are AM/FM radio listeners – with a greater majority of them being female (49%). Male radio listeners are 10% more likely to only go see their doctor when they are very ill. This is a very distinguishing characteristic and one you may want to consider in the creative for your ads. If a physician is trying to target the male radio listener, there should be some reference of the male’s tendency to wait until they are very ill by addressing them directly.

What about trust in the physician? When it comes to gender it doesn’t make a difference. Male and female radio listeners nearly equally rely on their physician to prescribe drug brands – 36% and 41%, respectively.

Listening to the radio has been known to do many things. It can elevate your mood, keep you company, inform you and even help you find someone to help with what ails you, especially during this hectic holiday season.


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