
Looking Into Her Shopping Cart

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Women make up most of the U.S. population – and they control $15 trillion in spending. They hold incredible influence in household purchase decisions – 75% to 80%. Marketing to women is an important element to the success of brands – but it’s not as simple as making things pink.

According to Pew Research, women are more likely than men to say that they do most of the grocery shopping. Eighty-one percent of women who listen to AM/FM radio see themselves as the principal shopper in their households, according to GfK MRI data. Understanding their views on food products, when they shop and what influences their decisions are important insights for food/grocery brands and retailers when targeting women and more specifically, female radio listeners. Radio is the perfect medium for food/grocery brands to reach women. According to Scarborough data, radio reaches 90% of women who spend over $200 week on groceries.

Grocery shopping has undergone tremendous changes. The time spent in stores is now shorter, so for food brands and grocery retailers, shopping occasions matter. Female radio listeners are frequent grocery shoppers. Sixty-two percent of female radio listeners shop one to three times per week and 50% of Black/African American or Hispanic women shop with the same frequency.

Female radio listeners shop at various times. The dayparts where most shopping occurs by 57% of these radio listeners are morning or afternoon – also prime listening times for women 18+. Food and grocery brands should take great consideration as to when to advertise their products to these shoppers so that they influence a purchase well before the shopping occasion.

What about cooking? Female radio listeners cook and 78% cook frequently. They see mealtime as family time, with 77% agreeing that they use food to bring family together. What they feed their families and where it comes from matters to them. They are health-minded and environment-conscious. They want to know where their food comes from. To them, local matters. Over 63% agree that they buy goods that are grown or produced locally. Ingredients matter to them as well, with 68% relying on product labels when they make their purchase decisions.

Female radio listeners are also keen shoppers. They are thrifty and won’t pass on a deal. Seventy-one percent purchase multiple units of sale items and over 90% use coupons* more than once a week. Grocery retailers should highlight product sales and coupons in radio ads when targeting the female shopper.

Marketing to women for any brand or category is important. Insights into the female radio listener are as important as the why, when and how they decide on the food products they purchase. Consider this just a little food for thought.

If you are a food retailer, we’d love to hear your thoughts on targeting female shoppers.


Sources: GfK MRI Doublebase 2019, women & AM/FM radio listeners; *Scarborough USA+ 2019 Release 1 Total (Jan 2018—May 2019)


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