
Being Thankful

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

It’s hard to believe, but Thanksgiving is here. It has been a very unusual year for everyone, and the pandemic has prompted many of us to stop and appreciate some of the things that we may have taken for granted in the past.

We’ve heard the impact that the pandemic has and hasn’t had on RAB members and readers of this blog. There are some areas/markets where businesses and communities are doing well. We also know that there are other areas where businesses and communities have been devastated, and there are markets that are somewhere in between. In any of these cases, broadcast radio and the on-air radio personalities have been there to help –communities, local businesses, students, etc. It is what over 15,000 local broadcast radio stations have always done and will continue to do.

It is interesting to hear what people are missing during these times. We’ve heard that people miss everything from commuting to work, to attending large conferences and even little things like a handshake or hug from colleagues and friends.

For those who celebrate, Thanksgiving will be different this year. However, the true meaning of Thanksgiving has never been underscored more. This year, despite the challenges and losses, we will all give thanks to heroes of 2020 – all those who have been on the front lines.

We are all thankful for the supermarket clerks who stock the shelves, delivery personnel transit workers and the places of worship with clergy that found creative ways to support their congregations. We are also thankful for the doctors, nurses and caregivers. Here’s to the organizations that have provided aid and food to local communities hit hardest by the pandemic. Thanks to listeners that tuned in to their local radio stations to find out where to shop, where to go and how to provide support. This year, we are thankful for friends, family and colleagues that have provided advice, guidance and support.

This holiday weekend, take some time to relax, unwind and give someone a heartfelt thanks and a hug – even if it’s a virtual one.

From everyone at the Radio Advertising Bureau, we wish you a heartfelt safe, healthy and happy Thanksgiving.


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