
Jewelry Retailers Shine with Radio

During this time of the year, consumers are thinking about gift ideas for their loved ones.  According to a November survey by Prosper Insights & Analytics™, jewelry is on the top ten list of gifts that will be given this year.  It is also one of the gifts that consumers want to receive – 22% of respondents want jewelry as a gift.

Who are these jewelry gift givers?  According to 2017 GfK/MRI data, adults 18+ who purchased a fine jewelry item as a gift for someone else, 81% listen to AM/FM radio. Among those adults who purchased fine jewelry for themselves, 78% are AM/FM radio listeners.

These shoppers spend a large portion of their media time with radio.  In fact, adults who shopped at jewelry stores in the past four weeks spent a quarter of their media time with radio, according to data from The Media Audit.

While radio listeners do not particularly favor one precious metal over another, they are 3% more likely than the general population to purchase any diamond or sterling silver piece of fine jewelry.

Radio can help drive interest and influence jewelry gift purchases.  It can help the listener imagine the look of jewelry with the use of words to create images and bring items to life in their mind.  Words like brilliance, sparkling, etc. can help drive interest.

Jewelry retailers know that jewelry is the gift choice of many.  Many also understand radio’s ability to influence behavior and drive sales.  One national jewelry retailer hit radio’s airwaves the first week of November as a top five advertiser according to occurrence data from Media Monitors.

Consumers will also educate and gain information about jewelry just as they do with other categories.  They will search for brand information, cost – anything that is important to the item they plan on purchasing.   That’s where radio works best.  Radio can help influence and drive search activity.

According to Radio Drives Search, the recently released RAB study, radio increased a jewelry retailer’s lift in search by 370%. Findings from this study (and in particular with this retailer), found that personalizing the radio ad helped drive that lift, so consider using phrases like “looking for that perfect jewelry gift” or “you know that she’s been eyeing those diamond earrings, before you make the purchase…”

As the top reach medium, radio has the ability to help drive sales and influence behavior.  It can increase an advertiser’s return on investment, inform consumers and help jewelry retailers shine.


This is part of an ongoing series on radio’s ability to reach holiday shopper categories.


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